Zabriskie Point is a drama that explores themes of counterculture, disillusionment, and social unrest in 1970s America. The story follows a college student who becomes involved with a group of hippies and finds himself on a road trip that leads to chaos and tragedy. Along the way, he encounters themes of nonconformity, protest, and the clash between the establishment and the counterculture movement. The movie also explores themes of love, sex, and freedom, as well as the destructive power of corporate greed and police brutality. Zabriskie Point is regarded as a cult classic and an experimental film that captures the spirit of the era.
A homicide detective investigates a series of mysterious murders that are linked to a demonic cult. As the detective delves deeper into the investigation, she uncovers dark secrets and becomes entangled in a dangerous web of evil.
Savage Three is a movie set in Italy during the 1970s. It follows the story of three friends who embark on a brutal crime spree. Their actions result in deadly consequences as they encounter violence, murder, and police detectives. The plot touches on themes of anarchy, sociopathy, and the consequences of criminal actions.
When his family are murdered Vietnam War veteran, Vince Deacon, tracks down the man responsible for the murders and to get his revenge.
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