Patrick, a strange and lonely resident, lives in a mobile home at the back of an isolated caravan park. After a violent thunderstorm erupts, a mysterious young woman appears at his door, seeking shelter from the weather. The longer the night wears on and the more the young woman discovers about Patrick, the more difficult she finds it to leave. Soon she begins to question Patrick’s intentions, while Patrick begins to question his own grip on reality...
In 1939, eight strangers are lured to a secluded island off the Devon coast in England. Upon arrival, they find themselves accused of various crimes by a mysterious voice. As the guests start to die one by one, they must uncover the identity of the killer before none of them are left alive. Based on Agatha Christie's novel, this miniseries is a thrilling whodunnit set in an isolated location.
When a murder is announced in the village newspaper, Miss Marple and her friends become curious and attend a gathering at the announced location. Soon, a series of strange events unfold as they try to unravel the truth behind the murder.
A jury deliberates the guilt or innocence of a young man accused of murder, revealing personal biases and prejudices along the way.
Thirteen at Dinner is a crime mystery thriller about a murder that takes place during a dinner party. The famous detective Hercule Poirot is called in to solve the case, which involves a group of suspects with various motives. As Poirot investigates, he uncovers hidden secrets and deceit within the group, leading to a shocking revelation in the end.
Murder by Death is a comedy crime film that parodies famous detective characters and classic murder mystery tropes. It takes place in a mansion where a group of eccentric detectives and their sidekicks are invited to solve a murder mystery. As the night unfolds, unexpected twists and turns occur, leading to a surprise ending.
Benoit Blanc returns in his most dangerous case yet.
A writer named Paul struggles with writer's block and isolation in a remote cabin. His life takes a dark turn when he encounters a drifter named Jack, leading to an intense and dangerous game of cat and mouse.
In 'The Last Supper,' a group of liberal friends hold a weekly dinner party during which they invite people with opposing views. When a guest turns out to be a fascist, they decide to take matters into their own hands and things quickly spiral out of control. As tensions rise, the dinner becomes a setting for murder, satire, and political intrigue. Directed by a female filmmaker, this movie explores themes of bigotry, hypocrisy, and the consequences of turning the tables.
In 1930s Italy, seven women gather at an isolated mansion for Christmas. As the snow falls and suspicions rise, a murder occurs, prompting the women to uncover family secrets and reveal the identity of the killer.
In 'The Bat', a writer turned amateur detective gets caught up in a string of murders in a dark and stormy night in a mansion. As he investigates, he becomes a suspect himself and must work to vindicate his name, all while facing a crazed killer on the loose.
A murder suspect enlists the help of a mystery novelist as his alibi for a crime he didn't commit. As they work together to uncover the truth, they find themselves falling in love. But when the real killer is discovered, their lives are put in danger.
In the midst of the Boer War, three Australian soldiers are brought to trial for alleged war crimes. As the court-martial unfolds, it becomes clear that the officers were following orders from higher-ranked British officials. The defense lawyer does his best to prove that the accused soldiers were scapegoats in a politically motivated trial.
The Cat and the Canary is a spooky, comedy-mystery movie set in a haunted mansion. The story revolves around a group of relatives gathered in a mansion to hear the reading of a will. As strange occurrences begin to happen, they start suspecting that the mansion is haunted. With plenty of comedy, mystery, and suspense, the movie takes the audience on a thrilling journey to uncover the secrets of the mansion.
Jeanne, a brilliant architect, is tasked with renovating a mansion. However, she is unexpectedly drawn into a murder investigation when the landlord and patriarch of the mansion is killed. Determined to uncover the truth, Jeanne delves into the dark secrets of the wealthy family and their hidden motives.
In 'Swimming with Sharks,' a young assistant endures humiliation and abuse from his evil boss in the film industry. Fueled by anger and a desire for revenge, he turns the tables on his tormentor with a twisted and dark plan.
Stage Fright is a mystery thriller film about a stage actress who is suspected of murder. She must go undercover to find the real killer and clear her name. Set in post-war London, the movie combines elements of film noir and suspense to create a thrilling story filled with intrigue and deception.
Vacancy 2: The First Cut is a crime horror thriller film that follows a young couple who check into a motel and unknowingly become part of a snuff film. They must fight for their lives as they try to escape the sadistic killers.
When a woman kills a man in self-defense at a rubber plantation in Malaya, she faces a sensational trial that uncovers a web of deceit and betrayal. As her lawyer uncovers the truth, the woman's dark secrets are revealed, leading to unexpected consequences. The Letter is a tense courtroom drama that explores themes of passion, deception, and the suppression of evidence.
In this Hitchcockian thriller, a woman's life is put in jeopardy when a deranged fan becomes increasingly obsessed with her. As the fan's obsession grows, he begins to stalk her, leading to a series of terrifying events that culminate in murder.