In The Patchwork Girl of Oz, a young girl named Ojo finds herself in Oz and must go on a journey to find her true family. Along the way, she encounters a magic wand, scarecrow, and a throne room filled with magical creatures. With the help of her rag doll friend, she must navigate through the challenges and find a way to overcome the evil magician who has turned people to stone.
A young girl named Aysecik lives on her parents' farm, when an animated tornado carries her and her dog Banju in their house to Rüyalar Ulkesinde (Dreamland). Seven Cüceler (dwarfs) (dressed like MGM Munchkin soldiers, only red and white) who assist the Good Witch of the North appear at various times to help. She meets a Scarecrow, an Iron Woodman, and a Cowardly Lion, and dances to music from what appears to be an invisible radio. They encounter fighting trees, a river, and a country of China dolls on their way to the Wizard, a ball of fire who sends them after the Wicked Witch who enslaves them. When the Wizard is unable to help Aysecik get home, they must journey again for help, encountering the China Country once more, and a legion of hammer-throwing cavemen.
Interviews with filmmakers/fans Willard Carroll and John Waters, Stephen Cox, author of The Munchkins of Oz, Munchkin actors and others on the impact and influence of the 1939 MGM film version of The Wizard of Oz.
Chesterton, Indiana's annual WIZARD OF OZ parade (as well as their many Oz-themed festivities) provides the backdrop for I MARRIED A MUNCHKIN, Tom Palazzolo's study of the life and career of Mary Ellen St. Aubin. Self-described as "normal, but little," Mary Ellen details her early start in show business as a performer in an all-dwarf vaudeville act, her brief appearance in 1946's THREE WISE FOOLS, her 1948 marriage to former Munchkin Parnell St. Aubin and their subsequent retirement from entertainment to run a bar (called the Midget Club) in the South Side of Chicago. Two other former Munchkins (Margaret Pellegrini and Clarence Swensen) briefly appear among the day's revelry. Also included is a postscript (shot some time after the initial film) featuring Mary Ellen briefly describing the original size of her role in THREE WISE FOOLS, which originally featured a line and an ill-fated "flying" effect. - Tom Fritsche
Join the Munchkins as they travel to Indiana, USA for a festival celebrating their unique culture. Through in-depth interviews and captivating footage, this documentary explores the fascinating world of the Munchkins and their impact on popular culture.
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