WandaVision is a surreal TV mini-series that follows the story of Wanda Maximoff, a witch with supernatural powers. Set in different decades, the show explores Wanda's suburban life with her android husband Vision, blending sitcom comedy with superhero action. As the series progresses, mysterious events unfold and the true nature of Wanda's reality is revealed.
A military veteran with memory loss wakes up at a mysterious facility and tries to uncover the truth about her past while being pursued by sinister forces.
After returning to Earth from a mission in space, Lucy Cola's life begins to unravel as she struggles to readjust to life on Earth. She becomes increasingly detached from reality and enters into a downward spiral, exploring relationships and making choices that have lasting consequences.
Pompo the Cinephile follows the story of Natalie, a passionate and determined young assistant director who dreams of making her own films. She works at the famous film production company Bonilauri Pictures, where she meets the legendary producer Pompo. Together, they embark on a journey to create the next big hit, facing challenges and obstacles along the way. With its satirical take on the film industry and a mix of comedy, drama, and romance, Pompo the Cinephile provides an entertaining and insightful look into the world of cinema.
Da 5 Bloods is a movie about a group of African American veterans who return to Vietnam years after the war, in search of the remains of their fallen squad leader and the treasure they left behind. The movie explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the lasting impact of war on individuals.
In the 90s, a Korean single mother raises her young son in Canada, determined to give him a better life than she had. She faces challenges related to racism, bullying, family conflict, and her own struggle with pancreatic cancer. The story explores themes of immigrant experience, reconciliation, and the complexities of family relationships.
Being Keegan is a powerful drama that delves into the life, struggles, and triumphs of the titular character. Keegan, a complex individual, navigates through various challenges and experiences, showcasing the depths of human emotion within a captivating narrative. With its raw portrayal of life's highs and lows, Being Keegan will leave audiences both moved and inspired.
In 'Fairytale (2022)', the movie presents a civil and artistic statement about the individuals who shaped the destiny of the world, including Stalin, Churchill, Mussolini, and Hitler, as reported by a Russian newspaper. The narrative explores the interconnected lives of several characters who eventually vanish, leaving the protagonist with a lingering sense of their presence. Mysterious voices, fragments of complex questions, and foreign languages haunt the protagonist, culminating in a captivating revelation that unveils the secrets of the cosmos.
In Natal, on the Brazilian north coast, the country is preparing to launch its first manned space rocket into space. A couple lives with their two children near the space centre, she is a cleaner and he is a mechanic, but she dreams of other horizons.
A wave of murders by the infamous Ghostface strikes the quiet college town of Windsor for the first time in over 20 years. A pair of amateur filmmakers-turned-killers come face to face with a threat greater than even themselves.
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