The First Investigative Division is the star unit of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Jun'ichi Ōiwa, the head of the division, leads around 400 elite detectives. He has an extremely heavy responsibility: attends initial investigations at the scenes of all brutal crimes that occur within the metropolis, decides on the course of action of the investigations at the same time as he directs many investigation task forces and gets into investigations himself at the critical phase. However, Ōiwa is definitely not a superman. Amid his suffering, Ōiwa overcomes this grave responsibility and is quite simply a "life-size hero" and "ideal boss" to his subordinates.
Inami and Tamaru work at the Public Security Mobile Investigation Unit Special Investigation Team, a team made up of specialists with different expertise. Inami tackles criminals with showy maneuvers, while Tamaru corners criminals with cool calculation. Together, the team tackles terrorists, new religious cults, military spies, secret narcotics organisations and complicit politicians.
Haunted daily by the echoes of his own past, a man succumbs to a rare disorder known as Mirror Personality Syndrome, where he faces the consequences of actions beyond his control, trapped in a relentless struggle against the shadows of his own reflection.
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