Undiscovered follows the lives of a group of aspiring artists in Los Angeles as they navigate the challenges of love, fame, and the music industry. The story revolves around a love triangle between an aspiring actress, an aspiring singer, and a record producer. With dreams of making it big, they face obstacles and discover the importance of staying true to themselves.
A female interior designer from California moves to New York after getting fired from her job. She joins her family's moving company and finds herself caught in a romantic triangle between her boyfriend and an old flame. Along the way, she navigates the challenges of balancing her neat-freak tendencies with her new chaotic lifestyle.
Common Ground is an anthology film that tells the stories of several LGBTQ individuals who serve in the US military during the 1950s and 1970s. It explores themes of love, discrimination, and the struggle for acceptance.
Emily Mariposa runs a butterfly business in Washington state, driven by her love for butterflies and nature. However, she faces competition from a ruthless competitor named Mandy Fisher. When Emily meets single dad Garrett and his daughter Amanda, they form a bond and collaborate to expand Emily's business. But Emily's feelings for Garrett are complicated by his ex-girlfriend's return and the pressure to move to New York. As Emily's business grows, she must navigate challenges and choose between love and career.
A Texan begins a cross-country journey in hope of finding the empty loft she keeps seeing in visions.
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