The Killing (2007) is a Nordic noir crime drama TV show that revolves around a detective's investigation of the murder of a teenage girl. As the investigation progresses, the detective uncovers a web of corruption, conspiracy, and personal secrets, leading to a suspenseful and thrilling journey.
Blindspotting follows Collin, a black ex-convict, who is trying to finish his probation period while dealing with the challenges of living in a rapidly gentrifying neighborhood in Oakland. Collin witnesses a police shooting and struggles with his guilt and the racial tension that surrounds him. With the help of his best friend Miles, Collin tries to navigate through his feelings and make positive changes in his life.
Everett and Eric Saunders are two brothers reluctantly following in their father’s footsteps in commercial office moving. Everett, the owner of Shazam Moving, is fighting to keep his business afloat against stiff competition. Alongside his brother Eric, and a quirky crew of co-workers, Everett struggles to keep it together to land a big enough contract to be bought out by Zenithon Logistics, a moving industry giant. The Saunders brothers battle each other, their family and their crew as they face the unforgiving nature of the Toronto office moving game to make a last-ditch attempt to cash out and leave moving behind for good.
A female interior designer from California moves to New York after getting fired from her job. She joins her family's moving company and finds herself caught in a romantic triangle between her boyfriend and an old flame. Along the way, she navigates the challenges of balancing her neat-freak tendencies with her new chaotic lifestyle.
After a fashion journalist and a baseball coach trade places, they both find love and learn valuable life lessons.
The Stooges are movers for an express company and on a rainy night are sent to move some junk, including a suit of armor, from a spooky old house. The armor is haunted by the ghost of Sir Tom, who has no intention of leaving. The ghost foils the their attempts to take the armor, and is about to skewer them with a sword when it's revealed that the they were only telling a bedtime story to their "sons", also played by the Stooges.
Popeye and Bluto are, believe it or not, pals and partners in a moving company. (Maybe it's because Popeye isn't squinting here.) Anyhow, Olive has made the mistake of hiring them. She hasn't finished packing yet, so the boys, smitten as soon as she answers the door, compete to help her. Once packed, they compete to move more impressive piles of her belongings. Popeye easily wins these contests, even though Bluto locks him in the van at one point. At the end, Bluto socks Popeye into the piano, then into a table; though he hardly seems to need it, Popeye still eats his spinach, then thrashes Bluto.
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