Nagi's Long Vacation follows the story of Nagi, a high school girl who experiences a series of humorous and dramatic events during her summer break. From moving to a new apartment and dealing with messy hair to navigating complicated relationships and funny mishaps, Nagi's vacation is anything but ordinary. Join her as she discovers the ups and downs of teenage life in Japan.
Kyohei Nagashima (Masaki Okada) has shut away the world. During his high school days he was the target of bullying and experienced horrifying moments. Now as a young adult Kyohei takes a new job. He works for a company that specializes in cleaning out the homes of recently deceased individuals. With his new job Kyohei meets co-worker Yuki (Nana Eikura). Yuki has also experienced a traumatizing event as a teen and has also shut herself away from the world. These two young people form a bond as they go through the homes of the recently departed people. They gradually open up to each other and in the process to the world. Yet, their fragile psyches may or may not be ready for such changes ...
Tonia, the director of an advertising company will visit along with the employee, Kostas tavern. There will fall on the cross, the dude in the region and will be surprised by their rude ways. Then Tonia would wager that can transform him into a man of high society in a few days.
After a fashion journalist and a baseball coach trade places, they both find love and learn valuable life lessons.
The Charmer tells the story of an Iranian immigrant living in Copenhagen, Denmark who uses his charm to form relationships with women in order to obtain a visa. As he falls in love with a woman, he is faced with the challenges of dealing with immigration laws, racism, and his own dark past.
Robert Langlois is now married to Catherine, the former housemaid. And they would live happily ever after if the housing crisis did not force them to live together with Gabrielle and Fernand, Robert's parents. For, despite the good will on either side, tension soon arises. What else to expect when there is too little space in their Montmartre apartment for four people (then for six then eight, the couple having... two pairs of twins!) ; the continued presence there of Fernand (who loves peace and quiet) after he is driven to retirement ; the difficult beginnings of Robert as a lawyer in a room of the apartment, etc... Other troubles follow and the harried family is on the verge of implosion...
A psycho who has contracted AIDS blames women for his disease, and begins to stalk and kill beautiful girls.
Popeye and Shorty help Olive move. Unfortunately, they start by running into a police car, and keep running afoul of the officer.
A 1997 Filipino comedy film starring Johnny Abarrientos, Rochelle Barrameda, and Willie Revillame.
A woman's house, on the side of the cliff, is about to fall into the sea, due to waves washing away the cliff. In a panic, she call's Porky's moving company. Porky's assistant, a former boxer, starts swinging when he hears a bell until hit on the head, when he stops and says, "Okay, boss." They get to the house and have various adventures while moving the furniture, mostly because the entire house keeps tilting back and forth on the shaky ground.
Tweety Bird moves into a city brownstone with his mistress, Granny. A stray Sylvester Cat watches them move in and delights on seeing Tweety. Another of Granny's pets is a bulldog who complicates Sylvester's plan to sneak up close enough to make a grab for Tweety. Sylvester unsuccessfully tries all sorts of disguises, including a moving man, a lamp, a bearskin, and a female dog. He ends up being captured by the dog catcher and placed in the back of a truck surrounded by snarling canines.
Eleven-year-old George is the new kid in the Apple Orchard housing complex. He and the other kids are terrorized by JB, the tyrannical superintendent. George starts out as an outsider, until he discovers he has a talent for leadership. Eventually, the other kids follow George in dreaming up a challenge to JB's abuse. Then, surprising events bring in the police, but the cops mess up. That's when George's gang of little rascals save the day!
Popeye and Bluto are, believe it or not, pals and partners in a moving company. (Maybe it's because Popeye isn't squinting here.) Anyhow, Olive has made the mistake of hiring them. She hasn't finished packing yet, so the boys, smitten as soon as she answers the door, compete to help her. Once packed, they compete to move more impressive piles of her belongings. Popeye easily wins these contests, even though Bluto locks him in the van at one point. At the end, Bluto socks Popeye into the piano, then into a table; though he hardly seems to need it, Popeye still eats his spinach, then thrashes Bluto.
A team follows experienced and engaging movers during the busiest months of the year. Movers face daily challenges that require them to demonstrate psychological insight, flexibility, resourcefulness and organization. The series explores the days of these workers, loaded with emotion and stress.
A girl moves into a new house and discovers a conspicuous chair in her backyard as well as strange happenings at 5:00 am every morning.
A provincial café owner, Mimis, abandons his village in Chalkidiki and comes to Athens in search of a better life. He pretends to be a tough guy, a know-it-all, and behaves like an “antisocial”. With the help of a friend of his from the army, Aristeidis, he tries to set up his own business. At the same time, he falls in love with a seamstress, Toula, who is the sister of Aristeidis’ wife. Then comes the wedding, the everyday obligations, and Mimis is forced, with great resentment, to work as a waiter to make ends meet. When he get fired, however, his relationship with Nitsa is put to the test.
What happens to all of those little things that you lose throughout your life? When Gorman (Gary Jones) misplaces one of his socks, he must struggle to maintain his strict schedule. Preoccupied with the simple challenges of his life, he doesn't notice the moving men and their large payload until it's too late...WHAM! He is struck by a heavy box, catapulting him into his bizarre past.
In his first heartfelt documentary, Jack Belhumeur takes the viewer on a ride, navigating the trials and tribulations of life as an essential worker far from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Something happens to a young couple in love that drives them into madness.