Mainstream is a satirical comedy that follows the lives of an internet celebrity and a struggling writer who team up to create viral videos. As they gain fame and fortune, they are forced to confront the dark side of internet fame and the consequences it has on their relationships and personal identities.
A young girl is transported into a magical dream realm on Christmas Eve where she encounters a variety of whimsical characters and embarks on a journey to rescue her beloved toy Nutcracker from the evil Mouse King.
Tom tries setting out things to lure Jerry into a trap, but Jerry, riding on Tom, picks them up as Tom puts them down. Tom chases Jerry upstairs, where he runs out a door to the outside. Tom puts on a lady mouse costume and plays the ukulele and is suddenly surrounded by dozens of amorous mice then hungry cats.
Au milieu de nulle part, une cité ouvrière vidée de sa population depuis quelques années déjà. Pourtant, certains habitants ont décidé d'y rester, plus par choix que par nécessité, parce que c'est là qu'ils sont nés et qu'ils ont grandi. Parmi eux il y a Francis, l'ouvrier consciencieux qui continue d'entretenir la machine sur laquelle il a travaillé toute sa vie ; Samir, son fils.
It's Halloween night and Renee is madly in love with Jim. On their way to a party, Jim detours to a haunted house where Renee is forced to confront a terrifying situation.
Herman tries to get fed but has to watch out for two crazy roosters.
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