The story focuses on high school girl Nagisa Yukiai who lives in a seaside town. She has believed her grandmother's story that spirits dwell in words and they are called "kotodama" (word spirit). One day, she strays into a mini FM station that has not been used for years. As an impulse of the moment, she tries to talk like a DJ using the facility. But her voice accidentally broadcasted reaches someone she has never expected.
In 'Faultless', a manipulative woman with a pathological lying behavior stops at nothing to achieve her goals. She pushes people away, harasses them, and even resorts to murder. She uses her skills as a lawyer to cover up her tracks, while also dealing with personal issues like an ill mother. As the story unfolds, she faces the consequences of her actions.
Alice and Louis, estranged siblings, have been avoiding each other for over twenty years. However, they are forced to reunite after a tragedy. Alice, an actress, and Louis, a former teacher and poet, have not spoken to each other in years. The death of their parents compels them to finally cross paths.
My Brothers and I is a drama movie set in Sete, France. It follows the lives of four brothers who live together and navigate through class differences, police raids, and personal struggles. Their bond is tested when their mother falls into a coma, and they embark on a journey of self-discovery and resilience. As they face obstacles such as a drug dealer, police violence, and escape from the hospital, they find strength in their shared experiences and the power of family.
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