Bad Boy Bubby is a dark comedy film that follows the story of Bubby, a socially misfit man who has lived in captivity with his mother his entire life. After being resocialized and released into the outside world, Bubby navigates through various challenges and experiences, including becoming famous as a band singer. The film explores themes of religion, environmental pollution, and social adjustment.
A man's life takes an unexpected turn when he finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant, leading to a series of chaotic events during the Christmas and New Year season in Reykjavik. The story explores themes of love, longing, and unconventional relationships.
A visual incursion into the troubled psyche of a young boy whose unstable and manipulative mother committed suicide in front of him.
Newlywed, Su-jin, believes that nothing will interfere with her happiness or come between herself and her husband, Dong-woo. That is, until she meets her mother-in-law. Dong-woo is devoted to his mother and now that they are all living together, it isn't long before Su-jin notices something unnatural about the amount of affection between the two. When confronted, Dong-woo promises his new wife that she will be his priority. However, he must spend a lot of time away from home because of his job granting the mother-in-law sufficient time to plot how to eliminate her rival.
Tadao decides to comes back from Tokyo to live in his home town, in the countryside. He stays at his parents place and finds a job, repairing transistor and television. He catches up with his friend Tetsuji, the only that haven’t left yet. But one night, Tetsuji decides to leave for Tokyo with a bar hostess.
A Sicilian widow earns her living as a clairvoyant, in Milan, but she hasn't got any power at all. Her son instead holds supernatural powers and with the help of his mother he becomes a strong sorcerer. But he fails perhaps to understand the real strength he possesses inside and unbinds uncontrolled forces that lead people that surround him to go mad.
This historical drama with music examines the life and times of Émile Nelligan, one of the major Canadian poets of the 19th century who struggled through a difficult childhood with the help of his loving mother, only to see his career cut short by tragic circumstances.
The incestuous relationship between Bobby, a doll repairer confused about his sexual identity and his overprotecting mother that abuses him while she, in turn, seeks to relive the days of her youth. They bathe together, sleep together and engage in sexual intercourse as well. In turn, she is jealous of his suggestive relationship with his customers, mostly little girls.
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