Il Sorpasso follows the story of two men who embark on a spontaneous road trip across Italy. They bond over their love for life and live in the moment, but their journey also reveals the complexities of their personal lives. This iconic film captures the essence of Italian culture and presents a humorous yet thought-provoking exploration of relationships and the pursuit of happiness.
The kids' adopted grandma decides to sell her store, but can't decide whom to sell it to. The kids try to help her out.
Daffy has the hiccups and goes to Dr. Jerkyl to see if he can help stop them
His Taking Ways is one of four films made for Biff Comedies, owned by independent producer Samuel Bischoff. Al St. John plays a hearing-impaired burglar who bumbles his way through a suburban break-in. One wonders how a criminal of such incompetence could be responsible for a “200 per cent” increase in burglary, but the premise is just an excuse for St. John to obliviously destroy household furnishings.
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