The Bay is a crime drama TV show set in Morecambe, England. The story revolves around a female detective who is assigned to investigate a murder case. As she delves deeper into the investigation, she uncovers a web of secrets and suspects. With the help of her team, she must solve the mystery and bring the criminal to justice. The show explores themes of police procedural crime, whodunnit mystery, and the challenges faced by a female protagonist in a male-dominated profession.
In the seaside town of Morecambe, England during the Suez Crisis, a washed-up music hall entertainer faces bankruptcy and his own self-destructive tendencies. As he tries to revive his career, he deals with dysfunctional family dynamics, alcoholism, and the end of an era.
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit (1989) is a TV show that tells the story of a young girl named Jeanette who is raised in a strict religious family. The show explores her journey of self-discovery and challenges faced due to her unconventional beliefs. It touches upon themes of faith, religion, and identity.
Series following Noel and Sue Radford as they cope with their supersized family, as well as grandchildren, dogs, teenage parties and home-schooling.
A man who was adopted at birth traces his real parents, and discovers that they have severe learning disabilities and do not know he exists.
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