Grimm Love is a psychological thriller based on the true story of a cannibalistic murder. The movie follows a forensic psychologist who becomes obsessed with the case, diving deep into the mind of the killer. It explores the twisted relationship between the victim and the murderer, delving into themes of morbid curiosity, homosexuality, and the dark depths of human nature.
In Jayne Mansfield's Car, a family gathers for a funeral, bringing together three generations and revealing complex relationships and unresolved issues. Set in the backdrop of the 1960s, the movie explores the impact of World War II and the Vietnam War on the veterans and their families. The characters navigate through conflicts, love, and secrets, as they confront the ghosts of the past and attempt to find healing and understanding.
The Young Poisoner's Handbook is a dark comedy based on the true story of Graham Young, a teenage boy who becomes a notorious poisoner. Set in London during the 1960s-1990s, Graham's disturbing fascination with chemistry and his social misfit tendencies lead him to poison multiple people, including his stepmother. The film explores Graham's twisted psyche and the consequences of his actions.
After Him is a drama movie that follows the story of a woman who becomes obsessed with her deceased son's best friend after a car accident.
In a small town, a group of friends become addicted to a deadly game called The Wheel. As they delve deeper into the game, their lives spiral out of control and they must face the consequences of their actions.
Patrick Deuel is a morbidly obese man who is literally eating himself to death. Weighing over 1000 lbs, Patrick was the world's largest man. Although having had a life changing gastric bypass, he still struggles against his compulsion to eat.
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