Warning: Parental Advisory is a satirical comedy that explores the moral crusade against music censorship in the 1980s. The movie follows a group of musicians, activists, and politicians as they navigate the pressure from conservative morals and the moral majority, leading to a Senate hearing on music censorship. It highlights the importance of free speech and artistic freedom in the music industry.
The humorous, provocative and moving examination of the Culture Wars and faith in America. Featuring interviews from all sides of the issues, the film is a balanced, challenging and entertaining foray into the most divisive and difficult topics in our culture. Includes interviews with Al Franken, Sen. Rick Santorum, Dr. Tony Campolo, Sister Mary Timothy, Michael Reagan, Ron Luce as well as rousing man-on-the-street interviews with director Dan Merchant dressed as Bumpersticker Man, a wild Culture Wars game show pits a Liberal Media Elite team against a team of Young Conservatives and a powerful "reverse Confession Booth" at a Gay Pride event provides unexpected emotion
A look at the extraordinary world of Penthouse founder, visionary and provocateur Bob Guccione.
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