The Rocket is a gripping biographical drama that follows the life of Maurice Richard, a French-Canadian ice hockey player for the Montreal Canadiens. The movie explores Richard's journey as he faces discrimination, violence, and personal struggles while striving to break records and become a hockey legend. It is a story of determination, resilience, and the love of a nation for its sporting heroes.
A minor league defenseman's journey from obscurity to national fame as the opinionated commentator on Hockey Night In Canada, and undoubtedly one of the most recognized faces in the country.
In a small town in 1940s Canada, a young boy named Roch wants a Montreal Canadiens sweater for Christmas, but receives a blue sweater of the rival team Toronto Maple Leafs instead. Despite his disappointment, Roch wears the sweater to a hockey game, which leads to a surprising turn of events and teaches him a valuable lesson about prejudice and acceptance.
The Last Gladiators is a documentary film that delves into the lives of ice hockey enforcers, exploring their role as fighters and the impact of their careers on their personal lives. It focuses on the career of Chris Nilan, a former enforcer for the Montreal Canadiens, and discusses topics such as drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, and the physical toll of the sport.
Neglected by his father, William, a star college hockey player, also suffered harassment from his coach and some teammates. By chance of a visit to Sainte-Justine hospital, the young man, whose morale and motivation are at its lowest, meets ten-year-old Daniel, awaiting a kidney transplant. Their passion for the Habs unites them instantly and William tries, by all means, to give him hope in the face of the disease.
An adult Martin Roy reminisces about his life in the 1966/67 school year. At fifteen years old and in his last year of junior high school, he breathed, ate and slept hockey. He collected hockey cards, played street hockey with his friends, tried skating and ice hockey for the first time in his life, but was most fascinated with his local national league team, the Montréal Canadiens, and its star player, Henri Richard. He dreamed of growing up and working for the Canadiens franchise. But a more immediate goal was to get tickets to one of their games, using M. Richard and his banker father, Hervé, as possible conduits to that goal.
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