In Destroy All Monsters, evil aliens from the planet Kilaak control a group of giant monsters including Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah. They unleash these monsters on major cities like Tokyo, New York City, and Paris, causing widespread destruction. The monsters are eventually freed from the aliens' control and join forces with humanity to defeat the alien invaders.
On Christmas Eve, a nameless little girl reads 'The Monster's Christmas' storybook to her teddy bear, as something sneaks around in the trees outside her window. She hears a noise in the other room, and thinking that it's Father Christmas, she goes to investigate. She finds one of the monsters, who has come seeking help to defeat an evil witch that has stolen all the monsters' voices.
A journey through time and history of diverse monster types, from the latex monster in devastated postwar Japan to aliens and serial murderers.
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