Tamagon the Counselor, also known as Eggzavier the Eggasaurus, is a Japanese anime television series created by Tatsunoko Production. Tatsunoko's description of the series reads as follows: "Tamagon is a cute monster who is fond of eggs. He acts as a counselor to those in trouble, asking only eggs in payment. He goes to work as soon as he has eaten his fee. However, despite his schemes, his service usually ends in failure and he winds up being chased by his irate clients. Short as it is, this program is full of lively laughs and humor."
Bump in the Night is a charming stop-motion animated TV show that follows the adventures of Mr. Bumpy, a lovable monster who springs to life after the sun goes down. With his rag doll sidekick, Squishington, and his best friend, Molly Coddle, Mr. Bumpy navigates the wild and wacky world of the bedroom, facing all sorts of hilarious and heartwarming escapades. This family-friendly series captures the imagination with its unique animation style and delightful characters.
Henry Hugglemonster is the story of a mischievous 5-year-old monster named Henry who loves adventures, discoveries, and being with his family. Each day brings new opportunities for Henry to explore his feelings and learn important life lessons about working with others, showing kindness, and getting along with siblings. Henry finds love and support from his parents, Daddo and Momma; and his brothers and sisters, Cobby , Summer, and Ivor.
The Trap Door (1984) follows the adventures of a servant living in a castle filled with bizarre creatures. With the help of his talking skull friend, he must navigate traps, cook meals, and deal with his evil boss. This stop-motion animated series combines comedy and horror elements, creating a unique and darkly humorous world.
The story is told by the cat-eyed boy, hated by humans and demons, who engages in tales of terror, including monsters and children.
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