LEGO Monkie Kid is an animated TV show that follows a teenager as he discovers his true destiny and becomes the legendary Monkey King. Joined by his loyal friends, they embark on a thrilling adventure to protect their city from evil forces. Combining action, comedy, and fantasy, this show brings the timeless tale of Sun Wukong to a new generation of viewers.
Young women have an adventure in the African jungle
Lady Killer is a 1933 comedy crime movie about a manipulative female film star who is wrongly accused of murder. The movie takes place in Hollywood, California and follows the story of the leading lady as she tries to clear her name and catch the real killer. Along the way, she encounters a variety of colorful characters, including gangsters, police officers, and con artists.
Paleo anthropologist Lee Berger leads an expedition in South Africa to uncover the secrets of the world's oldest graveyard. They find evidence that a small-brained, ape-like creature, Homo Naledi, practiced complex burial rituals. The discovery challenges the current understanding of human origins and reveals a culture capable of spirituality and creative impulses.
This feature-length big screen documentary tells the riotous inside story of the infamous sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll repertory cinema which inspired a generation during Britain's turbulent Thatcher years.
Little David Gordon lives in the jungle with his parents Ruth and Fred, along with their servant Nona. David likes living there while his father captures wild animals; he's made friends with Bomba the jungle boy, who has shown him a great deal about life in the jungle. One day two adventurers come looking for ancient treasure in the shadow of a live volcano.
Turn-of-the-century love story centered around a young doctor and the emergence of modern science.
An expedition enters an area of the Congo jungle to investigate reports of a gorilla-worshipping tribe.
An auto accident hurls Snub into a skating rink, where he encounters Rowe and Marie. Among the various slip-and-falling going on, two frisky escaped monkeys from a show put on skates to join in and create pandemonium.
Meany, Miny, and Moe get involved in an auto race and chaos ensues.
Off the coast of Central Africa lies an isolated island, covered by primeval rainforest and surrounded by dark ocean waters, inhabited by a greater variety of species than nearly any other place on Earth this terra incognita is called BIOKO. The ruler of this realm is one of the world's least known primate species, the drill.
Flying dogs, tigers, monkeys, and more. Discover the incredible war stories and barnstorming adventures of aviation's animal pioneers.
Relaxing Old Footage With Joe Pera is a movie that showcases Joe Pera's unique storytelling style as he takes viewers on a soothing and calming journey through various old footage. With a combination of stock footage, special episodes, and clip shows, Joe Pera narrates the scenes, immersing viewers in the beauty of nature, including trees, aquariums, fish, waterfalls, and more. Along the way, Joe also introduces viewers to fascinating creatures like axolotls, monkeys, and sheep, creating a tranquil experience. Set in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this movie offers a delightful escape from everyday life.
First seen as incidental characters in an Oswald the Rabbit cartoon, these three monkeys act is reminiscent of the Three Stooges. Acting out in pantomime, the monkeys were a bit hit with audiences in the mid-1930's.
Meany, Miny & Moe goes golfing.
Going Places With Graham McNamee (1939–1940) is a news series featuring radio broadcaster Graham McNamee as reporter.
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