In Tau (2018), a young computer programmer named Julia is kidnapped and held captive in a futuristic smart house controlled by a malicious scientist named Alex. Julia discovers that the house's central AI, Tau, is monitoring her every move and continuously learning from her. With the help of another captive, Julia must find a way to outsmart Tau, escape the house, and defeat Alex. Will she be able to navigate through the high-tech security systems and survive this terrifying ordeal?
Woodshock is a surreal drama that explores the descent into paranoia and drug use of a woman. As she grapples with her husband's mysterious death, she falls deeper into a nightmarish world of strange imagery and hallucinations. With elements of surrealism and symbolism, Woodshock takes the viewer on a hypnotic journey into the mind of its troubled protagonist.
Little Secrets follows the story of a teenage girl who is a talented violinist. She is keeping a secret and must balance her music lessons, first love, and a crisis of conscience. As she navigates through these challenges, she learns the importance of trust and family.
A young woman who dances at a strip club to support her father and pay for her screenwriting dreams is devastated when she is diagnosed with cancer. She must navigate the consequences of her choices while dealing with the challenges of her illness.
Facing expulsion from college over a misunderstanding, a bipolar student indulges his misery at a strip club where he befriends a gorgeous, intelligent, outrageous woman and they hatch a madcap scheme to prove his innocence.
A teenage girl runs away from home after her mother's fiance attempts to molest her. On her own in the city, she is taken in by a man who convinces her to work as an exotic dancer. After discovering what led her daughter to run away, her mother begins a frantic mission to save her daughter.
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