The Tattoo is a comedy movie released in 1968. It follows the story of a retired veteran art dealer who finds himself in a series of misadventures while trying to restore a castle in the Perigord region. With a spoiled count, a rude Frenchman, and a tattoo on his back, the dealer's journey becomes a hilarious rollercoaster ride filled with greed, gunfire, and a parody of comedy. Will he be able to complete the restoration deal and overcome all the obstacles? Watch The Tattoo to find out!
On the run from the police, his desire to end his career and leave the city is dismissed by fellow artists Maurice Utrillo, Chaim Soutine, and Modi’s muse, Beatrice Hastings. Modi seeks advice from his art dealer and friend, Leopold Zborowski — however, after a night of hallucinations, the chaos in Modi’s mind reaches a crescendo when faced with an American collector, Maurice Gangnat, who has the power to change his life.
Born in Livorno, Tuscany, artist Amedeo Modigliani (1884–1920) lived a short, tormented life, narrated here from an original point of view, that of his young common-law wife, Jeanne Hébuterne.
A Film about Anna Akhmatova is not a biopic. Rather, it is a live process of recreating a story akin to ancient tragedy. Before the viewer's eyes it emerges from archival and modern footage, unique sound recordings of Akhmatova's voice, her poems and photographs, and the many paintings and portraits of her, with the commentary of the poet Anatoly Naiman, who knew Akhmatova in her last years.
Sometimes reduced to the image of a cursed artist, Amedeo Modigliani, an admirer of the masters of the Italian Renaissance, has traced an unparalleled path in modern art.
A reinterpretation of the cello player, by Amedeo Modigliani
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