A Modern Madcap animated short from Famous Studios.
The harried wife of an incorrigible cigarette smoker confines her husband to an institution that promises to break him of his habit.
In his first outing at trying to do his first good deed as a Boy Scout, Goodie is tormented by the evil gremlins at every turn. The other gremlins hate Goodie because he won't let them have fun going bad things. When he stops two gremlins from starting a fight with two friendly neighbors, the evil sprites tie Goodie up and continue to make trouble with the neighbors. Getting some assistance from an unlikely source, Goodie foils the gremlins' scheme, and the two neighbors became pals once again.
Professor Schmaltz, an "inventor, genius and stuff like that there," makes life easier for his wife Lena- or so he thinks- by coming up with new household gadgets. Instead of helping her, his inventions all go awry.
A stereotypical Italian landlord who owns a glass shop rents out his room to a drum-playing beatnik - but things get bad when the beatnik starts banging on the drums driving the landlord crazy.
The woman of the house notices that the dog Bobo hardly touches his dog food. So she takes him to a canine psychiatrist. He recommends she and her husband treat Bobo as "one of the family". That means the man has to tolerate it when Bobo takes the evening paper and one of his master's cigars. But he won't let him watch his dog adventure show when there's a baseball game on or have the whole steak at dinner. And if Bobo wants to really be a part of the family, wait till he gets assigned some chores.
A French shopkeeper's life is disrupted by a daily parade. The parade consists of "ze king, ze premier, all ze lords and ministers, army, navy, department sanitaire." When the "department sanitaire" hits a pothole, all the garbage gets dumped onto the street in front of his store.
While Cousin Maggie is away, Honey Halfwitch gets soaked in a potion that makes her grow to gargantuan proportions.
Terry is a brat who doesn't listen to his parents, so his mother calls in a child psychiatrist (Professor Schmaltz). The shrink tries to mentor the very rowdy, troublemaking young boy, but Terry gets the best of the professor.
Percy visits a store and buys a do-it-yourself hi-fi kit. His pesky neighbor Ralph insists on helping put it together.
This modern madcap explores futuristic living with space-age conveniences.
Sir Blur stumbles into a kingdom. A king is having trouble getting someone to marry his daughter because she's, to put it mildly, ugly. Guess who stumbles into the contest? Sir Blur was Famous Studios' answer to Mr. Magoo in that he was another nearsighted fellow who mistakes something or someone for something else.
Specs is a little boy who dreams of being president of the United States and turning America into one gigantic amusement park for everyone. But when he considers the speeches and the work of balancing the budget, he forgets the idea, and he's happy just to be president of the little boys' ball club.
A ghost is hired by a real-estate agent on the behalf of a Scots-client to haunt the tight-wad's mansion while he is away so he won't have to pay for a caretaker. A weary hobo, who doesn't believe in ghost, tries to move in the invitingly-empty domicile...and rues the day.
One in the "Modern Madcap" series.
A man schemes to get rich with a talking horse.
A humorous look at the future of suburbia.
Harry Happy puts on a bright smile to the world that does him wrong, while barking orders to his terrified wife at home. But a marriage counselor gives him a better idea.