Cinderella (2021) is a modern retelling of the classic fairy tale. It follows the story of Cinderella, a strong and independent young woman who dreams of a better life. With the help of her male fairy godmother, she attends a royal ball and captures the heart of the prince. However, she must overcome the obstacles and challenges thrown her way, including her wicked stepmother and stepsisters, in order to live happily ever after.
A wide-eyed doll salesman is mistaken for a bomb-wielding anarchist by the oppressive forces of the totalitarian state.
Axel lives in a poor village where people work days at the chicken farm and gamble their last pennies at night. It's made Manne, the farm and casino owner, a very powerful man. Axel's debts are so great he has to do whatever Manne says. So he works in Manne's villa but can at least see his childhood love Jenny, who is now Manne's girlfriend. Axel seeks refuge in his imagination. He has rebuilt the entire village as a model in his cottage. Here, he is king, his word is law. Here, he saves Jenny from Manne and sends him running. One day Axel finds a friend, his neighbor Heiner, a strange guy who constantly quotes Karl May and talks happily with his chicken. Only by joining forces will they bring Manne's empire crashing down.
Lucas and Ellie are two teenagers who will become two lovebirds. Their pureness and innocence exclude them from the world they live in. Hand in hand, they will be searching for a better world in which they will be able to grow up. But in every fairy tales, there is a dark side. On their journey, they will face violence and cruelty. Both of them have a past and a background that they want to run away from.
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