One Foot In the Grave follows Victor Meldrew, a retired man with a pessimistic outlook on life, and his wife Margaret as they encounter darkly humorous situations and quirky neighbors in their suburban community. The show combines classic sitcom elements with surreal and dark comedy, exploring themes of old age, marriage, and suburban life.
Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend is a controversial and shocking anime movie that tells the story of a realm where demons and humans coexist. A young student athlete named Nagumo is chosen to become the Overfiend, a powerful being destined to bring about the destruction and rebirth of the world. As Nagumo struggles with his newfound powers, he becomes caught in a violent and sexually explicit battle between demons, humans, and otherworldly creatures. With graphic scenes of violence, sexual assault, and extreme horror, Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend pushes the boundaries of conventional anime, making it a cult classic among fans of the genre.
Snails in the Rain is a drama/romance movie set in Tel Aviv, Israel, in the year 1989. It follows Boaz, a professor in the Israeli army, who receives a love letter from an unknown man. This sparks his desire and leads to a journey of self-discovery as he navigates his closeted homosexuality. The movie explores themes of love, desire, and the struggle of coming to terms with one's own identity.
Two sexy females host a TV talk show where viewers call in and share their erotic adventures.
Doralice is a simple minded woman romantically fascinated by marriage. However, when she is raped by a butcher, a friend advises her to become a prostitute - and she does it. After that, all her wishes and longings will curl up into a fascinating vortex.
Behind the scenes look at how hardcore sex videos are made, with numerous interviews with stars and directors of sex films of various styles and interests.
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