During World War II, a young German boy named Jojo discovers that his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home. As Jojo forms an unlikely friendship with the girl, his imaginary friend, a childlike version of Adolf Hitler, starts to challenge his beliefs and forces him to confront the realities of war and prejudice.
Follows a charming 13-year-old on a turbulent journey of self-discovery. After an embarrassing incident at school, Trevor must summon the courage to forge his own path.
A Trip Without a Load is a poignant drama that takes viewers on a journey filled with ambiguity and mixed feelings. The film explores the complexities of human emotions and the uncertainty that comes with it. The characters embark on a trip, both physically and emotionally, without a clear destination or purpose. As they confront their inner conflicts and navigate through various challenges, they are forced to confront their own insecurities, desires, and fears.
Joe, and Gardelis his friend, plan to rob a safe, a Russian émigré, Lavrentis Shack. By opening, however, the safe, -propylcarbamoyl ekplixeos- see, they have stolen all the valuable items, apart from the will of the princess, which defines as heir, poor niece Shack, Nadia maid. Joe will go through a lot: You get into and out of prison, will fall victim to extortion by gangs, ultimately, though, he'll discover the real thief of the safe, which will make the Nadia maid to love ...
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