A gentleman is here shown partaking of a little lunch of bread and cheese, and occasionally is seen to glance at his morning paper through a reading glass. He suddenly notices that the cheese is a little out of the ordinary, and examines it with his glass. To his horror, he finds it to be alive with mites, and, in disgust, leaves the table. Hundreds of mites resembling crabs are seen scurrying in all directions. A wonderful picture and a subject hitherto unthought of in animated photography. Notable for being the first science film made for the general public.
This BAFTA nominated animated short was commissioned by Channel 4's MOMI residency scheme. It tells a darkly comic story about procrastination in which a man becomes entangled in his own domestic web. Repeatedly unsuccessful attempts to leave his flat set off a series of chain reactions ensuring his inevitable descent into chaos! The film is a psychological drama that strikes a universal chord by depicting the character in the grip of this common neurosis.
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