The Crucified Lovers is a film set in 17th-century Japan depicting a dramatic and romantic story. The plot revolves around a bowing merchant who becomes involved with a young painter after his designer wife is suspected of having an affair. As the story unfolds, the protagonist finds himself in a web of suspicion, betrayal, and intrigue, leading to a desperate attempt to escape with his lover.
During the Spanish Civil War in 1938, a group of prisoners in a concentration camp are given the opportunity to make a propaganda film. As they struggle to work together amidst personal conflicts and cultural differences, they find solace in the creation of art.
The Warden is a tense drama set in a prison in 1960s Iran. Amidst political turmoil and a prisoner execution, a warden must confront his own demons and make hard choices.
A portrait of a brutal Pinochet military dictatorship made during a three month visit to Chile in 1985 by David Bradbury. The footage reveals a country torn with civil strife and political unrest; military intimidation of the population; indiscriminate arrests: murder torture and disappearances were facts of Chilean life.
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