In the distant future, a vengeful female warrior embarks on a journey to a fictional planet in search of an everlasting life key. Along the way, she must confront biohazard threats, hijack a ship, and navigate through various sectors of space. With her long hair flowing and armed with a gatling gun, she seeks to unleash brutal revenge on those who have wronged her.
Daryl Zero, a private detective with social difficulties, is recruited by a businessman to solve an extortion case involving a missing key. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers a web of deceit and hidden motives, all while struggling with his own personal demons.
Louis Mennechain is a modest locksmith. So imagine his amazement when Professor Piétrefond approaches him and tells him he recognizes in him a descendant of the kings of France, more precisely of Louis XVII (the king who never reigned). According to him he is none other than the monarch's great grandson. Louis's life is soon turned upside down as he becomes the center of attention of a group of ardent royalists. Even a duchess "gives" him her love to make sure that he accepts his role as pretender to the throne...
Four notorious bank robbers meet up in an isolated castle to divide a large number of diamonds hidden there by their former, deceased boss whose Italian wife is hosting a party.
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