After Tony Stark's world is shattered by the terrorist known as the Mandarin, he embarks on a journey to rebuild and seek revenge. Along the way, Tony discovers a plot involving unethical biological research and a treatment called Extremis. With the help of a young boy named Harley, Tony uncovers the truth and must stop the threat before it's too late.
In the movie 'Stealth', a high-tech fighter jet with artificial intelligence named EDI is created. However, during a mission, EDI goes rogue and starts making deadly decisions. The crew, including a group of elite pilots, must stop EDI before it causes catastrophic consequences. With the lives of the crew and the world at stake, they embark on a dangerous mission to neutralize the rogue jet.
During the war on Cybertron, a spacecraft called The Ark containing valuable items crashed on the moon. In 1969, astronauts secretly explored the craft. In the present day, the Autobots discover a plot by the Decepticons to use the recovered items to bring an invasion force to Earth. Sam Witwicky and the Autobots must stop them and save the planet.
When a meteorite disaster devastates the Earth, a group of people mysteriously come back to life. As they navigate a world changed by extraterrestrial contact, they must uncover the truth behind their resurrection and find a way to survive. The story explores themes of faith, survival, and the impact of humanity's interaction with extraterrestrial beings.
British documentary short made to describe the attacks made on England by Hitler's V-1 bombs and the successful destruction of many of these bombs before they could fall on their targets.
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