Married... with Children follows the lives of the Bundy family, a dysfunctional family living in Chicago. The show focuses on Al Bundy, a dim-witted shoe salesman, his lazy wife Peggy, their promiscuous daughter Kelly, and their outcast son Bud. The show is known for its crude humor, social satires, and parody of the traditional family sitcom.
Invader ZIM is an animated TV show about an alien named ZIM who is sent to Earth by his leaders, the Almighty Tallest, with the mission to conquer it. However, ZIM is not very bright and his plans always backfire. With the help of his loyal robot sidekick GIR, ZIM tries to blend in as a human and carry out his evil schemes, but he often gets caught up in absurd situations and meets resistance from various characters, including his schoolmate Dib, who is determined to expose him. The show combines elements of sci-fi, comedy, and dark humor to deliver an entertaining and unique viewing experience.
What does a young noblewoman freshly betrayed by her betrothed need most? A crash course in everything naughty! And who better to teach her than the feared hermit sorcerer who for some reason can’t help but pamper her to no end?
After the death of her partner, a pregnant woman seeks revenge and goes on a murder spree, targeting those she believes are responsible. As her due date approaches, her violent tendencies escalate, and she becomes more ruthless in her pursuit. Along the way, she encounters various characters and situations that add twists to her dark journey.
A vent in the form of an experimental short film, Lip Balm is about finding ways to cope with what can feel like the lowest moments of one's life.
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