Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an animated TV show that follows the adventures of a new group of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, consisting of Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo. Together, they protect New York City from various villains and threats, using their ninja skills and teamwork. This series features a fresh take on the beloved characters, with new designs, personalities, and storylines.
The film follows the Turtle brothers as they work to earn the love of New York City while facing down an army of mutants. Techno Cosmic Research Institute (TCRI) executive Cynthia Utrom sends a squad to hunt down rogue scientist Baxter Stockman, who has created a Mutagenic ooze with which he intends to form his own mutant animal family. The turtles, along with their rat mentor Splinter, embark on a journey to stop the mutants and save the city.
The Turtles — Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey — each will go it alone for the first time. Faced with new threats and teaming up with old allies, the Turtles will discover who they really are when they don’t have their brothers at their sides.
In a fight to save the world, Leo and his brothers Raph, Donnie, and Mikey are forced to rise and lead against a terrifying alien species, after a mysterious stranger arrives from the future with a dire warning.
In TMNT (2007), the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reunite to protect New York City from a mysterious ancient curse. With their martial arts skills and teamwork, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael must stop a dangerous villain from unleashing chaos. Along the way, they face sibling rivalries, discover the importance of family, and showcase their unique abilities as mutant animals.
The Ninja Turtles, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo, team up to fight crime in New York City using their martial arts skills. With their rat sensei, Splinter, they battle against their arch-nemesis, Shredder, and his army of villains. Along the way, they encounter various mystical creatures and embark on exciting adventures.
When the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles acquire Mutastones from Crys-Mu, the spirit of light, they acquire the ability to enhance themselves into Super Turtles for a duration of three minutes. Meanwhile, the evil Shredder and his minions Bebop and Rocksteady stumble upon the Dark Mutastone, which transforms them into Devil Shredder, Supermutant Bebop and Supermutant Rocksteady, respectively. But the Turtles have one more trick up their shells: all four of them can combine into their ultimate form—Turtle Saint.
Turtles Forever follows the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as they encounter multiple versions of themselves from different dimensions, teaming up to save their worlds from an evil alien. The film features action-packed battles, comedy, and explores the concept of alternate realities.
Turtle Power - The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a documentary that delves into the origins and success of the iconic comic-book franchise, from its humble beginnings as a black-and-white comic to its multimedia empire. The film explores the cultural impact of the turtles and their enduring popularity across different generations.
Casey Jones is the story of a quirky young man with an irresistible propensity for violence. A lifelong outcast, Casey learned at a young age to channel his brutal urges into sports, but after being kicked off the local hockey team for excessive force during practice, Casey moves back in with his worrisome mother to seek solace at his boyhood home. His retreat is soon interrupted though when a vicious gang of street punks, the Purple Dragons, savagely beat him with pipes for attempting to remove their graffiti. After narrowly escaping the encounter with his life, Casey vows to single-handedly rid his neighborhood of crime. Armed with a golf bag loaded with clubs and sporting a fearful hockey mask, Casey stalks the alleyways by night, mercilessly trouncing any delinquents unlucky enough to cross his path. The misguided crusader soon goes off the deep end, and an unlikely ally from the sewers is forced to intervene before the vigilante annihilates every criminal in the city.
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