Enforcement is a gripping drama set in Copenhagen, Denmark, following a uniformed police officer who finds himself in hot water after using excessive force during a routine patrol. As tensions rise and the media gets involved, he must navigate the aftermath and confront the choices he made. This intense and thought-provoking film explores themes of power, accountability, and the challenges faced by law enforcement officers.
Phil Comeau shines a spotlight on the Ordre de Jacques-Cartier, a powerful secret society that operated from 1926 to 1965, infiltrating every sector of Canadian society and forging the fate of French-language communities. Through never-before-heard testimony from former members of the Order, along with historically accurate dramatic reconstructions, this film paints a gripping portrait of the social and political struggles of Canadian francophone-minority communities.
The Children of Leningradsky is a documentary that follows the lives of homeless children living in the Leningradsky Railway Station in Moscow. It explores the tragic events and struggles of these children, including drug abuse, child prostitution, and the challenges they face as orphans in post-Soviet Union Russia.
People from different ethnic backgrounds with "difficult" names by Western standards share their experience with moving through the world with an identity that challenges others to simply just say their name. A short social docu-film by Mariam Meliksetyan, “Say My Name” is a meditation on identity, otherness, assimilation, community, and ancestral roots.
In Colombia, the "whites" think that the Indian of Amazonia does not feel anything because there are no words in his language to express feelings. Is it possible that a whole people feel nothing and have no words to speak of love? Director Sergio Guataquira Sarmiento, himself a descendant of an almost extinct indigenous Colombian community, went to meet the Cácuas, to talk about their feelings, their loves, their loneliness. In doing so, he reconnected with his own Indianness. With humor and tenderness, the Cácuas try to teach him what it is to be a native. This initiatory quest is an emotional x-ray of an entire people.
Why don't we do something to ease the suffering of the poor, the excluded? Because we live in fear of "the other," the stranger. Filmed a few months before the 2004 presidential election, On the Road with Mary is a gripping view of an America living in fear. From a miserable neighbourhood in Detroit ravaged by crack and violence, to the militarized border with Mexico, this potent road movie exposes the unbearable other side of the American Dream.
A relentless journey across Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Jharkhand, this film documents the aftermath of a spate of mob-lynching of minority communities at a time of rising cow vigilantism and Hindu nationalism in India. It records the heart-rending testimonies of eight families affected by these incidents, which have wrenched them apart and had ripple effects of fear and uncertainty against this increasing brutality. It is an independent and crowd-funded project, with no corporate backing
Vena, a Catholic, lives in the Muslim-majority region Aceh. Vena wears veil in her daily life and befriends many Muslim friends. Nevertheless, how can she be herself and adapt as a minority at the same time? Family plays an important role in her life.
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