Where Hope Grows is a drama film that follows a former professional baseball player named Calvin Campbell. Calvin's life takes a turn when he meets Produce, a grocery store clerk with Down syndrome. Through their friendship, Calvin finds hope and redemption as he learns valuable life lessons and discovers the power of unconditional love.
In "The Rookie," a high school science teacher from Texas causes a stir when he makes a deal with his students: if the high school baseball team makes the playoffs, he will try out for a major league baseball team. Against all odds, he ends up fulfilling his lifelong dream of becoming a professional baseball player.
Baseball player Terry McCall is a very good baseball player, who doesn't mind bragging about his skills on the baseball diamond and also his off-the-field skills at wooing and winning women. An accident causes his luck to turn bad and results in him turning blind, but he later regains his sight after being instrumental in saving the life of Mickey Malone, the team's young mascot. He then promises Mary Malone, Mickey's sister, for whose affection he has been competing with a teammate, that he is through showing off and bragging. But, in the end, he is still blowing smoke.
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