In a distant future, Duke Leto Atreides leads a group of desert warriors in a rebellion against the galactic emperor and his father's enemy, the Harkonnens, to liberate their desert planet Arrakis from the emperor's control. With the help of the Fremen, a nomadic people living on Arrakis, Leto's son Paul Atreides rises as a messiah figure and fulfills the prophecy of the Kwisatz Haderach. As Paul and his allies fight against the emperor and the Harkonnens, they must face betrayal, political intrigue, and their own fears. Ultimately, Paul becomes the new ruler and brings peace to the galaxy.
During a war between humans and an alien race called the Dracs, a pilot and a Drac soldier crash-land on an alien planet. Initially hostile towards each other, they eventually develop a bond and must rely on each other to survive the harsh environment and the dangers that await them.
In the 1980s, a gold prospector in Southeast Asia discovers a massive gold mine. He forms a partnership with a geologist and together they venture into the jungle to establish a mining operation. However, they face financial difficulties, fraud, and the threat of the Wall Street establishment. Based on a true story, 'Gold' explores the greed and ambition that drive people to risk everything for wealth.
The Siberian city of Norilsk, above the Arctic Circle, was established here for the nickel and other metal deposits. Built under Stalin by Gulag prisoners—who numbered some 650,000 between 1930 and 1950—today it still constitutes an open-air cage, imprisoned by the glacial landscape, imbued with suffering and history.
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