In a distant future after 2050, in a world where consciousness can be transferred between bodies, a former soldier is hired to solve a murder, uncovering a web of deceit and violence. Set in San Francisco, this techno-thriller explores themes of virtual reality, biotechnology, and resistance against a corrupt society.
In the year 2008, a young boy gets caught up in a dangerous conspiracy involving a fascist cabal, evil politicians, and an evil corporation. With the help of a rebel leader, he must navigate a dystopian future and uncover the truth about his family's secret while facing mind-transference, terrorism, and the struggle for immortality.
A team of scientists travel to a remote island to study its unique ecosystem, but they soon discover that the island is inhabited by giant mutated crabs. As the scientists struggle to survive and find a way off the island, they uncover the horrifying truth behind the creatures' origins and must find a way to stop them before they take over the world.
Set in a dystopian future where unemployment and identity are major concerns, a single mother in New York City takes part in a mind-transference experiment to become the spokesperson for a powerful corporation. However, she soon realizes the side effects that come with this new life and must make difficult choices to protect her daughter's future.
Futurists Martine and Bina Rothblatt commission an advanced humanoid AI named Bina48 to transfer Bina’s consciousness from a human to a robot in an attempt to continue their once-in-a-galaxy love affair for the rest of time.
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