In the year 2090s, a man with blue hair named Horus discovers that he is immortal after being cryogenically frozen. He finds himself in a futuristic city ruled by corrupt politicians and genetic science. As he navigates this new world, he must uncover the truth behind his immortality and stop the corrupt politician from manipulating the future. With the help of a teenage girl, he engages in a thrilling battle against the forces of corruption.
After losing his wife in a car crash, a high school teacher starts experiencing supernatural powers and discovers a hidden secret about his past. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he encounters a guidance counselor who helps him uncover the truth.
Well into the future, a senior interplanetary investigator, 3V3, sends a distress signal. Ginger, a tough and ravishing stellar investigator takes the assignment and follows the signal to a planet where a nasty villain, Zidian, is brewing and exporting an addictive drug called "toad." It's also he who has captured 3V3. Ginger recruits four tough female bounty hunters. We learn more about 3V3's identity and Ginger's skills at entrapment. Plus, there's Ray, a bartender who has a history with Ginger. Can the five women find and rescue 3V3, foil Zidian's plans, and escape with their lives?
Entheogen: Awakening the Divine Within is a documentary that delves into the use of entheogens, such as psychedelic drugs, for self-exploration and spiritual awakening. It explores the history, rituals, and effects of these substances, as well as their impact on humanity and the environment. The film also examines the clash between science and spirituality, the disillusionment and disconnection experienced by modern society, and the potential solutions to these issues.
Told from the perspective of a former scientist turned wandering telepathic man-child, I Razor is the story of one man's quest to regain his lost humanity.
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