Another is a supernatural horror anime that tells the story of a middle school student named Kouichi Sakakibara who transfers to a new school and discovers a chilling secret. The class he joins is haunted by a mysterious curse that causes a series of tragic deaths every year. As the deaths continue, Kouichi and his classmates must unravel the dark secrets of their school before it's too late. With a gloomy atmosphere, suspenseful plot twists, and gruesome deaths, Another takes viewers on a terrifying journey into the supernatural.
In a near future where artificial intelligence controls society and emotions are deemed dangerous, Gabrielle decides to purify her DNA to eliminate strong feelings. However, she unexpectedly meets Louis and experiences a profound connection that transcends time and lives. This genre-crossing melodrama unfolds across three different time periods, 1910, 2014, and 2044.
In the 1980s, humanity faces an alien invasion led by reptilian aliens disguised as humans. A group of freedom fighters forms a resistance and battles against the alien forces, while struggling with family relationships and the power dynamics within their group.
In 'V: The Final Battle,' resistance fighters wage a guerilla war against a race of reptilian aliens who have infiltrated Earth. These aliens use mind control and violence to maintain control over humanity. The resistance struggles to sabotage the aliens' plans and uncover the truth behind their invasion. As the battle intensifies, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
Heal is a documentary that explores the healing process and alternative medicine. It focuses on the power of the mind and how it can affect physical health. The film follows different individuals on their healing journeys, and includes interviews with spiritual teachers, scientists, and practitioners of alternative medicine. Through meditation, yoga, and other mind-altering techniques, people are able to tap into their own healing abilities and improve their overall well-being.
In the year 2222, a double agent with amnesia must uncover a dark conspiracy that involves mind-alteration and hologram technology.
An insurance investigator tumbles onto a series of similar deaths, by brain hemorrhage, of patients of a psychiatric clinic in France where therapy involves a device which can implant visual imagery in the minds of patients, ostensibly to help them relax.
Two people in love will find a hut in the woods that they decide to sleep in. The cottage is located on the shore of a lake and beautiful views is just a shadow of an ax stuck in the executioner's block of wood near the house. When they wake up one morning, they see a peacock and the cottage has been transformed into a beautiful palace...
An investigation into a homicide at The Bloody Savanna nightclub leads further than two detectives could have possibly imagined...
A painter struggles to find inspiration for her latest work. Meanwhile, a thief attempts to rob a store.
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