Frances Ha is a coming-of-age comedy-drama film that follows Frances, a 27-year-old aspiring dancer living in New York City. After her best friend moves out of their apartment, Frances struggles to navigate her relationships and find her place in the world. Through a series of adventures and missteps, she explores themes of friendship, love, and identity.
When a doctor visit reveals her fertility may be in jeopardy, thirty-something Nellie Robinson stares down the barrel of a future without options and decides to freeze her eggs.
A young woman named Aura returns to New York City after college and finds herself struggling to find her place in life. She faces conflicts with her family, including her sister, and explores various relationships and experiences, both comical and dramatic, as she comes of age in the city.
Infinitas Terras (Ou Relatos do Meu Tempo Crise) is a movie about a down on his luck comic book author who is forced to reconnect with people and places he's been avoiding. In a quest for a missing comic book from his collection, he embarks on a journey that will test his friendships and family relationships. The movie explores themes of millennial problems, coming-of-age drama, and the complexities of father-son and brother-sister relationships in a quirky and comedic way.
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