Mobile Suit Gundam is set in a fictional universe where humanity has colonized space and is engaged in a war for independence against the tyrannical Principality of Zeon. The story follows Amuro Ray, a young boy who becomes the pilot of a powerful weapon called Gundam. As the war escalates, Amuro and his fellow soldiers must confront the horrors and complexities of war while fighting to protect their loved ones and secure a better future.
86 EIGHTY-SIX is a TV show set in a war-torn world where a group of elite soldiers known as the '86' fight against discrimination and tragedy. These soldiers, considered to be expendable by the government, pilot robotic weapons called 'Juggernauts' to battle against the enemy forces. As the war rages on, the '86' soldiers face not only the physical dangers of combat but also the emotional toll of being treated as disposable pawns. With themes of racism, tragedy, and discrimination, the series explores the struggle for survival and the fight for justice.
The year is 1939 - it was then that the Neuroi appeared. Nobody knows where they came from or what their ultimate agenda is, but the fact remains that their attacks drove people out of their towns and cities. In order to take arms against them, humanity develops a new anti-Neuroi weapon called the "Striker Unit." Using the power of magic to fight against the monsters, this new device enhances and amplifies the power of female magic-wielders. To use this device, young witches from all over the world have been brought together to form an elite task force unit called the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, commonly known as the "Strike Witches."
Eleven months into the One Year War in U.C.0079, top Zaku II pilot Captain Solari faces the Earth Federation's new lethal weapon: the mobile suit Gundam.
Universal Soldier is an action-packed sci-fi thriller about a top-secret government program that reanimates Vietnam War veterans to create super-soldiers. Two soldiers, Luc Deveraux and Andrew Scott, who were enemies during the Vietnam War, are killed in battle but revived as indestructible cyborgs. When Deveraux starts regaining his memory, he goes on a mission to stop the program and uncover the government's coverup. The movie culminates in a final showdown between Deveraux and Scott, with a female reporter caught in the middle.
Angels of Death follows a group of space marines in the warhammer-40k universe as they face a grimdark and dangerous military science fiction world.
The Exodite follows the struggle of a T'au Empire expeditionary force to bring the Greater Good to a new planet. However, there are many opponents to this notion, willing to take a stand.
The story follows a band of Blood Angels Space Marines as they face a dangerous and insidious foe.
Star Force Galactic Command is at war when intel is obtained of an enemy bio-weapon prompting the damaged spacecraft Oregonda, piloted by Captain Collins and Major Hughes, to embark on a reconnaissance mission to save the world.
After falling through the collapsed ceiling of an abandoned imperial guard training facility, guardsman Raines wakes to find himself alone and separated from his squad deep in heart of enemy territory.
Souther and Nordland forces have been locked in war for decades on Nu-Earth. The war has turned the planet toxic. Genetic Infantrymen designed to survive the poisonous atmosphere are deployed in a surprise offensive. The plan is leaked and the Genetic Infantrymen (GI's) don't stand a chance. They are ambushed in the Quartz Zone and are massacred.
In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, the mighty Space Marines of the Inquisition battle against the forces of Chaos to protect the Imperium of Man.
Fan movie based on Warhammer 40k universe. A holy Inquisitor is sent to a distant planet to inspect rumors of heresy. A band of mercenaries is hired to find the heretics' base in an abandoned industrial complex, but something awakens.
Live action movie based off of the 1979 anime.
Ellen Ripley and Dwayne Hicks from Aliens lead a team of Marines to exterminate Xenomorphs on a mysterious jungle planet.
A sequel to Encounter on planet Xena. Harold Eugene and Paul Asus clone an army of Xenomorphs and send them to invade planet Earth.
Eager to celebrate the 4th of July, a group of young black and Latino friends experience a police encounter that shatters the meaning of the holiday.
Astartes follows the adventures of a group of space marines known as the Adeptus Astartes as they battle against various enemies in the grimdark universe of Warhammer 40k. The series explores themes of war, duty, and sacrifice.
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