The Round-Up is a powerful drama set in Austria-Hungary during a time of war and political oppression. The story follows a group of revolutionaries who are captured and imprisoned in a brutal detention camp. They endure psychological torment, torture, and even death as they fight for their freedom against the oppressive regime.
A weary sergeant in Korea commands military prisoners on a dangerous mission and is joined by a nun and a group of schoolgirls in enemy territory.
A military expedition in Siberia gone wrong. The existence of humanity is in peril as Inanna, Sumerian goddess of lust and war has summoned a giant meteor to destroy the planet, after being accidentally set free from her ancient prison. The government has been overturned in a Communist take-over and the citizens of the world; brainwashed. In humanity's darkest hour, the ancient entity of Gilgamesh, older than the cosmos themselves, must decide whether or not to serve of mankind's final hope. Meanwhile, Inanna has hand selected the one man; married man and archaeologist, David Murphy, to live out the rest of eternity with her. Gilgamesh and Inanna are quickly targeted by the new government as potential weapons of mass destruction, and soon the apocalypse has begun.
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