Taxidermia is a dark comedy drama movie that explores themes of taxidermy, surrealism, and the human condition. It follows three generations of men, each with their own obsessions and desires. From a military orderly with masochistic tendencies, to a taxidermist obsessed with perfection, and finally a competitive eater who struggles with his own body, Taxidermia delves into the extreme and bizarre aspects of human nature.
The Last Command tells the story of a tragic romance set during the Russian Revolution of 1917. It follows a Russian expatriate in Hollywood, who is cast as a Czarist general in a movie, causing him to relive his past as an adjutant to a Grand Duke in Czarist Russia. As the revolution unfolds, he finds himself torn between his love for a beautiful Russian actress and his loyalty to the revolution.
The story focuses on a veteran (the General) who served the military during WWII, Vietnam and the Korean War. He has quite a few alarming conceptions about warfare ("politics are the extension of war", “Civilians are as much the enemy as men in uniform”…) When he returns to his estate in Antwerp, he continues to live under the impression of being in command of his troops and hikes into the nearby woods fully armoured.
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