In a distant future, Duke Leto Atreides leads a group of desert warriors in a rebellion against the galactic emperor and his father's enemy, the Harkonnens, to liberate their desert planet Arrakis from the emperor's control. With the help of the Fremen, a nomadic people living on Arrakis, Leto's son Paul Atreides rises as a messiah figure and fulfills the prophecy of the Kwisatz Haderach. As Paul and his allies fight against the emperor and the Harkonnens, they must face betrayal, political intrigue, and their own fears. Ultimately, Paul becomes the new ruler and brings peace to the galaxy.
Braddock is an influential and highly respected citizen of the town of Two Arrows. He also represents a group of Mexican outlaws led by Valiente. Braddock plans an important robbery with only two young men, Loring and Parker, standing in the way of the bandits.
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