Yuppies is a comedy film set in Milan, Italy during the 1980s. The story follows a group of young urban professionals, known as yuppies, as they navigate the challenges and absurdities of their fast-paced lives. From making out and playing footsie under the table to dealing with the pressures of the yuppy lifestyle, the characters find themselves in hilarious and unpredictable situations. With a mix of humor, romance, and social commentary, Yuppies offers a lighthearted look at the world of young professionals in a vibrant and glamorous city.
A love story set in the vibrant city of Milan during the 1980s, where an unlikely duo of roommates navigate through hilarious situations and discover the true meaning of friendship.
The adventures of the Milanese yuppies continue, always polished, "at home" in via Montenapoleone or at Nepentha, impeccable in dressing and "winning" at work, a little less in private life.
After a model is raped and murdered, a photographer seeks revenge on the perpetrator. As he investigates, he uncovers a web of deception and evil laughter, leading to a surprising and suspenseful ending.
Via Montenapoleone in Milan is the ritziest street in the city and here the destinies of several characters, playboys, models and gays cross and diverge.
Arturo is a Tv content autor scared by the love. Mike is an old american friend that come to visit him because his girlfriend has broken with him. Everyone wants somebody to love.
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