Over the Edge is a coming-of-age drama that follows a group of teenagers in a suburban community in the 1970s who rebel against the monotony and expectations of their middle-class lives. Frustrated with their parents, school, and the lack of opportunities, they turn to rebellion, drugs, and violence. The story takes a dark turn when their actions escalate and lead to tragedy.
Ramdhanu is a comedy-drama movie that revolves around the lives of middle-class parents who strive to provide the best education for their children. It showcases the challenges they face and the moments of humor and emotion they experience on this journey.
In 'Vaxxed II: The People's Truth,' middle-class parents investigate the truth about vaccinations and their potential impact on their children's health. This documentary dives into the controversial topic, shedding light on the perspectives of those who question the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
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