In 1957, a large alien robot crashes from orbit near the coast of Rockwell, Maine. After being rescued by a young boy named Hogarth, the Iron Giant follows him back to his house and befriends him. However, a paranoid government agent named Kent Mansley discovers evidence of the Giant and tries to track him down. Hogarth and the Giant seek help from beatnik artist Dean McCoppin and try to evade Mansley. Eventually, they are discovered by the military and attacked, leading to a climax where the Giant sacrifices himself to save the town of Rockwell.
Rear Window is a psychological thriller that follows a wheelchair-bound photographer, L.B. Jeffries, who starts spying on his neighbors from his apartment window. As Jeffries becomes convinced that one of his neighbors has committed murder, he teams up with his girlfriend and nurse to investigate. As the tension builds, Jeffries finds himself in a dangerous situation where he must try to gather enough evidence to prove his suspicions before it's too late.
In 'Suicide for Beginners,' the main character faces the challenge of writing the perfect suicide note, while also attempting to murder a garage full of people. The story takes a darkly comedic twist as the protagonist tries to make their victims like them while carrying out the killings.
In The Maiden and the Wolves, a woman finds herself in a rural setting, following a man through snow-covered mountains. She encounters various obstacles along the way, including a pack of wolves and treacherous river rapids. As she continues her journey, she realizes that there is more to this adventure than she initially thought.
A journey of love and hope, of courage and sacrifice, and one man's miraculous salvation through a life-saving liver transplant. FORCE OF DESTINY is a story of survival inspired by Paul Cox's personal experiences and his recent book Tales From the Cancer Ward.
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