A young woman named Suni moves to the countryside, where she encounters a feral boy with supernatural abilities. As she befriends and takes care of him, their relationship evolves into a tender and challenging romance. However, their love is threatened by societal expectations and the boy's uncontrollable transformation into a werewolf.
Tweety Bird and Granny are at the controls of a tugboat that Sylvester tries unsuccessfully to board.
Elmer Fudd, on a fourth of July picnic, throws some of his firecrackers into an ant colony, and the ants declare all-out war on him.
Back Street Jane is a gripping film noir-style crime thriller that follows the story of a young detective who is assigned to investigate a murder case. As he digs deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of crime and deceit that leads him to the dark underbelly of the city. With each clue he uncovers, the detective realizes that the murder is just the tip of the iceberg, and he must navigate dangerous territories and overcome personal demons to bring justice to the case.
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