After Tony Stark's world is shattered by the terrorist known as the Mandarin, he embarks on a journey to rebuild and seek revenge. Along the way, Tony discovers a plot involving unethical biological research and a treatment called Extremis. With the help of a young boy named Harley, Tony uncovers the truth and must stop the threat before it's too late.
Shaun the Sheep Movie follows the story of a mischievous sheep who, tired of the routine of life on the farm, hatches a plan to take a day off. He and his fellow sheep disguise themselves as humans and venture into the big city. However, their excitement quickly turns into chaos as they get caught up in a series of hilarious and unexpected mishaps. With the farmer in hot pursuit and a wily animal control officer on their tail, Shaun and his friends must rely on their resourcefulness and teamwork to find their way back home and out of trouble.
After their mother’s death, a cognitively disabled woman and her estranged sister must learn to communicate in order to move forward
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