Sailor Moon is a classic anime TV show that follows the story of Usagi Tsukino, a middle school girl who transforms into Sailor Moon, a magical superhero, to save Earth from various villains and protect the princess of the Moon Kingdom. Along with her fellow Sailor Guardians, Usagi fights against the forces of evil while navigating the challenges of school, friendships, and teenage romance.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon follows the story of Usagi Tsukino, a middle school girl who becomes the heroine Sailor Moon. Joined by her friends, the Sailor Senshi, they use their powers to fight against villains and protect the Earth. Along the way, Usagi also discovers her destiny as the Moon Princess and must navigate the challenges of love, friendship, and hidden identities.
Cosmos: A Personal Voyage is an educational TV show that takes viewers on a journey through the wonders of the universe. With a focus on science and technology, it examines various topics such as the solar system, astronomy, evolution, and the human condition. Through stunning visuals and informative narration, this series sheds light on our place in the cosmos.
Join us on a journey through the solar system as we explore the planets, moons, and other celestial bodies that make up our cosmic neighborhood. From the fiery volcanoes of Mars to the icy moons of Jupiter, we'll delve into the mysteries of our solar system and uncover the secrets of the universe.
When a series of disasters hit Earth, including a magnetic storm and a meteor collision, a team of scientists must use experimental technology to save the planet from destruction.
Masked scientific government agent is pitted against a rogue army, led by a mystery man known only as "The Ruler", which is attempting to conquer the solar system by first decimating earth's climate through various futuristic devices which Cody must meet with earth's own futuristic technology. [Intended to be a limited-run television series, Commando Cody: Sky Marshal Of The Universe was first released theatrically in 1953 as a twelve-chapter movie serial; it was not shown on television until 1955. The Commando Cody character was first introduced in Republic's earlier movie serial Radar Men from the Moon; however, "Sky Marshal" is actually a prequel, with the first chapter dealing with Cody's origins and the acquisiton of his staff as seen in "Radar Men".]
Join National Geographic on an incredible adventure as we explore the wonders of the universe, from galaxies and cosmic rays to black holes and exoplanets.
A young woman must confront her physical and emotional boundaries as she enters the world of professional domination and submission.
A young girl Marie faces the troubles of growing up when her mother takes a new boyfriend home.
Wunder der Schöpfung is an extraordinary, fascinating Kulturfilm trying to explain the whole human knowledge of the 1920s about the world and the universe. 15 special effects experts and 9 cameramen were involved in the production of this film which combines documentary scenes, historical documents, fiction elements, animation scenes and educational impact. It its beautifully colored, using tinting and toning in a very elaborated way. Some visual ideas in the sequences with a space shuttle visiting different planets in the universe seem to have to be the inspiration for Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Travel to the edges of our solar system with this unique blend of photographic images, video and computer animation. Hosted by renowned scientist and author Isaac Asimov, the program is set to Gustav Holst's moving 1917 musical suite "The Planets." The infrequently seen footage from NASA includes images of planets and other impressive galactic bodies, including Jupiter, Saturn's rings, Pluto and much more.
Patrick Stewart narrates a captivating exploration of the planets in our solar system, featuring stunning footage, classical music, and fascinating facts about outer space.
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