Wedding Trough (1974) is a controversial and surrealistic movie that explores themes of love, excrement, and farm life. The film follows a mentally retarded person who lives on a pig farm and engages in various disturbing activities such as killing animals and drinking urine. It is known for its avant-garde style and shocking scenes, including scenes of animal cruelty and bestiality.
Amma (Smita Patil) is a woman who has been raped and then forced to flee her home with her husband and child after her husband kills the rapist. Her life plunges even lower in the overwhelming and crowded city when her husband, in turn, is killed by smugglers. Left alone to fend for herself and her little boy, she desperately tries to instill moral values in her son in spite of the immorality of life all around them. She is indirectly aided in this effort by a dubious hero-type, but there does not seem to be much hope for her future and that of her son.
Two-Legged Horse is a drama film set in Afghanistan. The story revolves around a boy and a two-legged horse. The boy becomes fond of the horse and takes care of it. The film explores themes of poverty, cruelty, and the power of friendship.
Verrückt bleiben - verliebt bleiben is a biography documentary film that follows the journey of a mentally retarded artist in Berlin. The film explores the artist's struggles, including child abuse and life in a psychiatric hospital. Despite these challenges, the artist manages to create extraordinary art and find love.
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