Set in the backdrop of Meiji Ishin, Tenchu! tells the story of a group of samurais who embark on a mission to stop a terrorist plot that threatens Kyoto and the entire country of Japan. Based on a novel, the movie follows their journey as they face internal conflicts and external challenges in their pursuit of justice.
Near the end of the nineteenth century, as the balance of power shifts from Shogunate towards the Emperor, Japan restlessly awaits the dawning of a new age. But not all are content...The Shinsengumi, a small army of samurai, farmers and peasants, band together to do battle against the tide of history. Their leader, Isami Kondo is a man who rises from farmer to fighter to head the fierce Shinsengumi brigade. Using a stern hand and a heart of gold, he rallies his men in defense of the tottering Shogunate. But bloodshed and treachery lurk around every corner.
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